Tag Archives: ph3


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to get on here and shed a bit of light on why I haven’t been active as of late.

I have been getting many requests for a ebook to come out so I finally caved in and agreed. It would of been a better idea if I knew how to make one ahaha. None the less it Is my mission to figure this out and get it released as fast as possible. With that side that is why I haven’t been posting to much on here especially recipes because I am only making a few over and over to fine out the details and get it book ready. Obviously if I am going to be putting them in a book, I cant be posting them for free on here now can I?

With that being said, I am going to try and shoot for a mid November release. I will be starting to take all the photos and write up ingredient/directions this week and the next. After that it will just be figuring out how to transfer it all into ebook format.

Now until the book is released I am going to try and share other avenues that may interest you. I have just started Layne Nortons new #ph3trainer. Im one week in, and I think I may try and document my progress through out it. I also want to start sharing articles, videos, podcasts, and maybe even my own perspective articles to give a bit more content to the site rather than just recipes…. although I know that’s why you all are really here 😀 If there is anything else you guys would like to see please let me know !!!!

So please bare with me as I am so technological stupid these things take me time. If you are versed in ebook making please feel free to reach out as I will take all the help I can get!